Please add to an email address to contact the appropriate staff member.
Julianna Sullivan |
Preschool Teacher |
jsullivan |
Allyson Lennon |
Preschool Teacher |
alennon |
Mariah Melanson |
Preschool Teacher |
mmelanson |
Kirsten McGinn |
Preschool Teacher |
kmcginn |
Crystal Andrews |
Preschool Teacher |
candrews |
Geralyn Thompson-Ward |
Preschool Teacher |
gthompsonward |
Kelley Lindsay |
Preschool Teacher |
klindsay |
Rachelle Miranda |
TIP Preschool Teacher |
rmiranda |
Denise Jones |
TIP Preschool Teacher |
djones |
Jaime Rapoza |
Preschool Special Education Building Administrator |
jrapoza |