Department Vision Statement
All Falmouth Public Schools students will take responsibility for pursuing life-long healthy choices.
Department Mission Statement
The Physical Education and Health Department will provide instruction that focuses on the importance of health and physical activity. This will be achieved through knowledge, decision-making, and skill application that includes cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains in a safe and cooperative learning environment.
Our Approach to Teaching & Learning
Our Physical Education and Health Department offers a variety of opportunities for students to become physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially healthy. This holistic approach provides students an opportunity to enhance their own wellbeing through skill-based health education and a comprehensive offering of physical activity.
In September of 2023, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved updated standards. These standards had not been updated since their initial release in 1999. Listed below are the updates included in the newest framework.
Updated guiding principles to encourage a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach
Explicit representation and integration of physical education
Articulation of social and emotional competencies that can apply across school curriculum and content areas
Reflection of current and ever-changing influences on health (including technology, media, and social media)
Increased focus and emphasis on equity
The update provides our district an opportunity to ensure continued alignment with best practices in Health and Physical Education. These new Massachusetts standards are closely aligned with the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education and Health.
Physical Education
The Falmouth Public Schools offer a well rounded Physical Education curriculum. Our teachers promote cardiovascular and muscular endurance, muscular strength, and locomotor development through a social emotional lens. Falmouth High School features course offerings in Team Games, Personal Fitness, Wellness Leaders, Lifetime Activities, Exploratory Physical Education, Independent Study, and an extensive Project Adventure course. Project Adventure provides adventure-based learning experiences and tools to promote growth in individuals, schools, healthy communities, and effective organizations.
Health Education
Health instruction follows a skills based approach, and learning focuses on decision making, analyzing influences, accessing valid information, interpersonal communication skills, enhancing healthy behaviors, self advocacy, and goal setting. Examples of the content taught through these skills consist of bullying prevention, good hygiene habits, nutrition, substance use prevention, human growth and development, conflict resolution and social awareness.
In an effort to combat the issue of bullying, the Elementary Schools embrace PeaceBuilders while the 5-12 schools will be use the Michigan Model. Both programs are supported by the Department of Education in Massachusetts as quality Bullying Prevention Programs.
Please contact Mr. Brett Gormley, our Physical Education and Health Department Head.