To learn and practice skills in mathematics and numeracy, Clippers use i-Ready Classroom Mathematics (simply called i-Ready), a connected learning system for assessment, instruction, and support.
Students are assessed three times a year using the iReady Math Diagnostic, which provides comprehensive insight into student learning and growth to help teachers meet the needs of all students. Students will use the “Try-Discuss-Connect” routine framework, which deepens conceptual understanding and promotes collaborative problem solving, helping to build students' math confidence.
In addition to daily direct teacher instruction, a key component is the personalized learning platform called My Path.
Our mathematics program is designed to help all children be successful with rigorous, grade-level content by using flexible, equitable, and accessible instruction.
Learning includes:
Use numbers to count and group objects, compare how many objects are in different groups, and add and subtract
Use language to describe, sort, name, and compare two-dimensional and three dimensional shapes
Grade 1
Learning includes:
Understand how counting, adding, and subtraction are related
Understand that two-digit numbers are made of tens and ones
Understand how to measure the length of objects
Put shapes together and break them apart to create new shapes
Grade 2
Learning includes:
Understand place value in numbers up to 1,000
Use various methods to add and subtract numbers up to 1,000
Understand and use standard units and tools of measurement
Recognize and draw shapes with specific characteristics
Grade 3
Students in Grade 3 also use Fluency Flight to practice fact fluency.
Learning includes:
Understand multiplication and division and how they are related
Understand fractions and how they represent real-world situations
Understand connections between multiplication and the areas of shapes
Describe, analyze, and compare shapes like rectangles and squares
Grade 4
Students in Grade 4 also use Fluency Flight to practice fact fluency.
Learning includes:
Solve multi-step word problems using multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction
Understand that multiplication and division can be used to compare quantities
Understand and use equivalent fractions (like 1/2 and 3/6, which are the same) and unit fractions (like 1/3 or 1/5, with a 1 on top)
Describe, analyze, compare, and classify shapes using types of lines and angles
The Teaching & Learning of mathematics in the elementary grades is supported by our Elementary Math Instructional Coaches.
Mrs. Robin Bowerman Ms. Stacey Strong
North Falmouth Elementary Mullen-Hall Elementary School
Teaticket Elementary School East Falmouth Elementary School